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about conncert

Smarter connectivity.
Better value.

We created Conncert to bring convenience, automation and data driven insights to enterprise decision takers so they can achieve their digital ambitions.

We're not in the business of selling at any cost or running after unrealistic, aggressive monthly numbers.

We center people and data in everything we do and we love working with companies that share our ethics.

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Cost Savings
on connectivity managed
through the Conncert platform
Faster Delivery
leveraging wireless connectivity
solutions like 4G, 5G and LEO
Operational time savings
through automation and
data driven insights
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our story

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” 
-Charles Darwin-

Organisations adopting flexible networking technologies and flexible sourcing approaches are much better able to support the rapid accommodation of new business requirements, and do so while controlling their connectivity spend.

The challenge for an enterprise is to benefit from the fast-evolving connectivity market in a controlled way and to keep the necessary agility avoiding locked-in models.

Conncert's DNA is right sizing, right sourcing, and right usage of connectivity. In order to achieve this we stay technology, telco and MSP independent what keeps enterprises in control.

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our values

What we're all about. Our CONNCERT values as a company.

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Open minded

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about conncert

Where you'll find us.

Some of us prefer a desk, some a cafe table.
Just give us a call.

Antwerp office

The Beacon
"Start it @KBC floor"
Sint-Pietersvliet 7
2000 Antwerpen

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